As time passes, the skin loses its youthful elasticity, and fine lines and creases appear, particularly around the eyes and mouth. These changes can give you a tired, aging, or even angry look – even on your best days. Belotero injections can refresh your appearance with your youthful vitality restored. Factors like sun damage, stress, weight fluctuations, and genetics exacerbate these changes by depleting the natural stores of fat and collagen. This loss of facial volume can create dark, hollow, and sunken areas below the eyes and along the cheeks, adding years to one's appearance. Over-the-counter products like creams and serums often fall short of rejuvenating the skin's youthful tautness.

Achieve youthful radiance with Belotero

Thankfully, there's a solution for those encountering the early signs of aging: Belotero. Dr. Leonard Miller and the Boston Center for Plastic Surgery offer this cutting-edge dermal filler, which can quickly restore a youthful and rejuvenated look. Belotero is one of the newest and most effective dermal fillers available, providing remarkable results with a brief, in-office treatment that carries minimal risk of side effects. Its dramatic effects can last for up to nine months.

What Is Belotero?

Belotero is an FDA-approved dermal filler made from Hyaluronic Acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance that safely encourages the body's production of collagen for enduring results. This innovative dermal filler effectively minimizes fine lines around the eyes and mouth, plumps tissues, and restores volume to hollow or sunken facial areas, such as the temples and cheeks. A single Belotero treatment can revitalize facial contours for up to nine months. While some benefits are noticeable immediately after the application, the results improve as the body's collagen supply regenerates over time.

What can Belotero treat?

Belotero can treat a range of facial issues, including:

  • Moderate to severe facial wrinkles
  • Crow's feet
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Marionette lines
  • Sunken cheekbones
  • Lip lines
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Ideal candidates for Belotero

Anyone who notices the emergence of fine lines around the eyes and mouth or experiences a loss of volume in the cheeks can benefit from Belotero. This innovative dermal filler suits individuals of all skin types and ethnicities, both men and women. An ideal candidate should be healthy, understand the dermal filler process, and maintain realistic expectations regarding the final results. Individuals with an active infection, rash, or cold sore may need to delay their Belotero session until their skin has cleared. Dr. Miller will thoroughly examine your facial tissues during the consultation and review your medical history to determine whether Belotero is the right choice for your desired results.

Belotero Injections and results

At the Boston Center for Plastic Surgery, each Belotero treatment is performed in a comfortable treatment room, typically taking less than half an hour. Dr. Miller will pinpoint the target treatment area and administer Belotero using a small needle. While the procedure is generally not painful, patients may experience a slight pinch or pressure during the injections. For added comfort, a topical or local anesthetic can be applied.

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What is the downtime for Belotero?

There is no downtime required after a Belotero session, and patients can immediately return to work, school, and their daily activities. Although mild redness, swelling, and bruising may occur at the injection site, these side effects usually resolve quickly. Tenderness and itching are also common. Serious complications are rare, but they may include infection, facial asymmetry, or scarring.

What to expect after your Belotero treatment?

Immediately after treatment, the skin will appear lifted and smoother, but it can take two to three weeks for the full benefits of Belotero to become apparent. As the body's collagen supply receives an extra boost, the results will continue to improve. After six to nine months, the benefits of treatment will start to diminish. At this point, patients can opt for a repeat Belotero session to maintain their results.

What is the cost of Belotero?

The cost of Belotero varies based on each individual's specific needs. During the consultation, Dr. Miller will determine the treatment area and the extent of correction required. At that time, Dr. Miller will create a personalized Belotero treatment plan and provide a cost estimate for the injections. While Boston Center for Plastic Surgery does not accept insurance, we do accept cash and all major credit cards.

To make treatments more accessible, we offer medical financing through Prosper Healthcare Lending. For additional information on Belotero and payment options or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Miller, please contact the Boston Center for Plastic Surgery today.

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Why choose us for your Belotero treatment?

At Boston Center for Plastic Surgery, our board-certified team offers a wide array of both surgical and non-surgical procedures. Under the pioneering leadership of Dr. Miller, with over 35 years in aesthetic medicine, we provide exceptional care. Our state-of-the-art center is the largest skincare and laser facility in the region. Our continuous dedication to innovation and research sets us apart. We prioritize an honest, compassionate approach, customizing your journey to renewed confidence. Experience the unique, renowned concierge service we offer.

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Belotero FAQ

What Is Belotero?

Am I a good candidate for Belotero?

When can I return to work after Belotero?

How long will my Belotero results last?

What are the side effects of Belotero?

What Is Belotero?

Belotero is a unique dermal filler made from hyaluronic acid, designed to smooth away fine lines and creases associated with tissue loss of elasticity or volume.

Am I a good candidate for Belotero?

Almost anyone frustrated with fine lines, wrinkles, and facial 'hollow' areas can benefit from Belotero. Ideal candidates should be in overall good health, understand the dermal filler process, and have realistic expectations for the final results.

When can I return to work after Belotero?

There is no downtime necessary after a Belotero session, and patients can return to work or school immediately after treatment.

How long will my Belotero results last?

Belotero results typically last for six to nine months. When the effects begin to fade, a repeat Belotero session can safely maintain the results.

What are the side effects of Belotero?

Belotero is FDA-approved as a safe and effective dermal filler. Common side effects include tenderness, itching, bruising, and mild redness. Serious complications such as infection, scarring, or nerve damage are rare. For the safest Belotero treatment, it's essential to choose a board-certified, experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Miller.

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